Antonis Tritsis Park is the only park of its kind dedicated exclusively to environmental awareness and education in Greece. This impressive park stretches across 1,200 acres of land with 6 artificial lakes and connecting canals; it has 389 plant species (of which 311 are native), 110 acres of pistachio trees, 60 acres of olive trees, 182 species of birds (of the 200 that are in Attica) including predators and migratory birds; it also has freshwater fish, mammals and reptiles, thousands of bats and butterflies, a church of architectural importance, dozens of administration buildings, and numerous function halls. It is because of all of these wonderful characteristics that Antonis Tritsis Park is so unique!
Flora & Fauna
Antonis Tritsis Park expands across 1,200 acres and is a natural and artificial ecosystem of great importance for the Attica region of Greece; it brings together exceptional biodiversity and is one of the last wildlife refuges that can be found in Athens’ ever expanding urban environment. Thousands of birds, mammals and reptiles have found an ideal living environment in the artificial lakes – which are a predominant element of the landscape – as well as in the diverse plants including fruit trees, vineyards, pistachios, olives, pine trees, eucalypti, rare varieties of ornamental plants (indigenous and not). The lakes at Tritsis Park attract numerous species of birds including ducks, purple herons, cormorants, halcyons, true thrushes, finches, hoopoes, little terns, parrots, peregrine falcons, and sparrow hawks, while the agricultural cultivations provide a natural habitat for animal species like fish, reptiles and aquatic turtles.
The Buildings
The Antonis Tritsis Park is home to the Ark of Seeds, a construction built for the 12th International Architecture Exhibition at the Venice Biennale. This installation was originally exhibited at the Benaki Museum in Athens until it was given a permanent residence at Tritsis Park. This work of art focuses on old seeds and biodiversity that is at our disposal and on the brink of extinction, as well as new soil cultures. The park also has an ancient theater that hosts performances, while among the various buildings – which are mainly stalls and warehouses that date back to the reign of Otto - there is a small chapel dedicated to Saint Paul that was designed by well-known architect Dimitris Pikionis, and with frescoes by F. Kontoglou.